Surrender - A new, original song about finding peace in the midst of challenges

My husband joked when I was writing this that it was my "giving up" song, due to the title. 😉 While surrendering can mean giving up, it doesn't always mean this.

The last few years have been a crash course for me in learning how to "surrender." I've been learning to surrender in two ways:

1) I've learned to accept what is right in front of me. When we push away feelings or the reality that is in front of us, they don't go away. We just end up feeling "stuck." Softening into what actually is happening in my life allows me to accept it, forgive and move on.

2) I have learned to surrender by trusting God in order to have His peace in my life.

Sometimes difficult things happen in our world that are outside of our control. It's easy to spend so much energy worrying about the unknown outcome of those things that we lose hope. But we can simply "surrender... take a deep breath in and let it go." 

Our Savior was the ultimate example, and through His example of facing the ultimate sacrifice for all of us, we learn how to face our challenges. Thankfully, we don't ever have to do it alone. He is there every step of the way.


"So if this cup may pass from me

Then Father, I ask, 'Let it be'

If not, I'll drink it willingly

Just promise that you'll stay with me I surrender."


Also, these two scriptures align well with this song:

"And He went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt." -Matthew 26:39

"I can do all things through Christ, who strengtheneth me." Phillipians 4:13

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