Because He Came - Sheet Music

Because He Came - Sheet Music

Regular price $2.99 $0.00

Sheet Music for different variations of the song "Because He Came." All variations are available in 2 keys: the original key of G (the key the video and original recording are in) and the key of Ab, which is 1/2 step higher than the original key.

These products include one PDF file to be delivered via e-mail, shortly following order check-out. Each purchase of a product allows you to make one copy only. If you share the digital file with anyone or make more physical copies of the music than you have paid, it is a violation of copyright.

*If you are teaching this to a group of children, purchasing the bundle allows you to purchase more copies at a greatly discounted rate plus it includes audio tracks including a demo track for teaching the harmony/descant and a flip chart with pictures to help teach the song.



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